Less carbs

Ever since I started Dish Crawl Co, it's been hard to keep healthy. As such, I've been going through waves of feeling as if I've eaten a lot and very, very much. I'm often confused as to how much I've actually eaten. In order to stay accountable, I will write down what I plan to eat less of:

- Need to eat less carbs (cut down on bread, noodles, rice). Goodbye to bread at the beginning of the meal.

- Cut down on desserts (croissants, ice cream, boba, cake). These are not necessary, and will need to eat more fruit to replace this.

Goals and accountability

Goals can't exist without accountability. For this reason, I'll leave my goals here in plain sight, in order to be held captive to them. Thus far in 2017, though it's been a strong year in many regards, I have fallen short of a few goals in my personal and professional life. In a strong push to combat this, here are my goals:

1) Traveling: I'd like to travel more to broaden my perspectives about the world, to experience different lifestyles, and to understand culture of other people live. More specifically, by the end of 2017, my goal is to visit Los Angeles many times, San Diego, Vancouver, and New York City. In 2018, my goal is to visit Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand.

2) School: I plan to finish school as soon as I can.

3) Business: By the end of 2017, I plan to hire a full-time Operations Manager to assist me on all day-to-day activities. This would give me the opportunity to start my next venture by February 2018.

4) Lifestyle: Treating yourself right is key. By summer of 2018, I plan to rent my own place in order to sleep, eat, and feel better. It's crucial to have a quiet, calm environment to sleep in, and the food we put into our body on the daily, dictates how we ultimately feel. This would also give me the opportunity to fully schedule my day, hour-by-hour, which is important to me.

5) Fitness: I've been meeting my fitness goals, but aim for growth. Once I'm able to eat better, I can leverage that into greater gains.

Hold me accountable.


7 things

1) develop an abundance mindset. and stay positive.

2) not everyone will like what you do. some may even hate it for no reason. accept this.

3) people only see the end result, and fail to see the journey in-between.

4) happiness comes from the smallest things in life. children and animals. the sun when it is out. drinking a cup of tea. dining out at the city's hottest restaurants does not make one happy.

5) invest in today.

6) treat others exactly how you want to be treated.

7) health is everything. eat extremely healthy and exercise at least 5 times a week.


16 hours a day

24 hours in a day, 16 of which are waking. 10 hours go to work. 2 hours go to eating. 2 hours goes to commuting. 2 hours goes to leisure activities. Lift each other up and I'll gladly fit you into my life. Otherwise, don't waste my time.

Status quo

We must always seek to challenge status quo, not for the sake of rebelling, but in search of what's right versus what's wrong. If we fall into tradition without consideration, this lack of evaluation and awareness is very dangerous.

I pray that I lead by example as my work as an entrepreneur and relationships with others conforms as such.



There are many reasons why I've been on social media less lately, but the main reason boils down to authenticity and lack thereof. I really dislike how Instagram misrepresents who I am as a person and how people who view it can make such broad assumptions about my life. Unfortunately, if you've been following it, know and understand that the image on Instagram is not me, and it is only my work. While I enjoy my work, I do not consider my work an extension of who I am as a person, my likes, dislikes, my personality, the struggles that I face on a daily basis, or anything other than it is just merely my work. At the end of the day, I'm just an individual with an average life, and Instagram fails to encapsulate such, that it is painfully disconcerting when people reference my Instagram as an extension of myself. It is seriously dissonant.

I'm very thankful for the endless support that I've received for my work, but understand that I do not have to post on Instagram when asked to (I've been asked where I was at least 100+ times the past month), and I prefer to get to know people in real life. I want to hear about your hopes and dreams, your struggles, who you are as a person, rather than see things in a light that is just so fucking one-sided and empty.

Social Media

What bothers me most about social media is the artificiality of it. Someone's life may look all put together, but in reality it is far from it.

musings of a food photographer / food entrepreneur

It isn't always easy. This is a subject that's deep and personal to myself and I haven't really been able to put it into words. Many friends and acquaintances look upon me and my work and say you're an inspiration or a similar expression of "your life must be super exciting."

Let's get back to the drawing board though.

Everyone's journey is invisible. You're unable to see what's actually going on in someone's life. You're able to make assumptions and attributions based off the minutes or hours you seem them, and the rest you fill in the gaps with social media.

What bothers me about social media is that people do not understand each other. There's a huge connect between the who you really are versus the facades that are visible.

For business reasons, I must continue to put up jer.chung as it is a brand and not a person, however much I consider myself an artist and not so much a business person.


I've recently realized my mistakes in my life. It dawned on me that I have to fix them. I can't repeat the same mistakes.

I sometimes have these suppositions that I am not doing enough with my life or maybe that I screwed up things in the past regarding my career, academic, or love life. As if it's indicative of imposter syndrome.

I sometimes wonder whether I'm doing the right thing with my life, to simultaneously burn myself out with an MBA program while trying to run my own food tech startup. Whether it's easier to just join a 9-5 and to be a sheep like everyone else.

But no, most people are wrong in this world. This is why leaders comprise such a small portion of the world. And even so, many leaders are wrong.

I reconcile that it's in my best interest to stray away from the norm, to keep fighting for what's right, and being authentic to who I am. I realized that I never want to work a 9-5, but there may be a day if this all fails that I might have to, temporarily or whatnot.


Would I recommend anyone to be a food photographer / food entrepreneur? I'm not so sure.

I don't mean this to be a piece that resonates with other liberal millennials hogwash - a subtle reference to how we are always whining and entitled. The hustle is difficult and requires constant attention, planning, and action.

It requires an immense amount of attention and even if you're burnt out tired, you need to be responsive via email and calls and be willing to meet and drive long distances while it's raining really hard outside.

There are days of ups and downs - where I feel like I made it and can rent a house in SF, or also days where I feel I'm going to starve over.

I'm good with action and impulsivity, but not planning. And it's sometimes scary, not knowing what will happen next.

Entrepreneurship is a difficult journey, because no one tells you what to do and you must hold yourself accountable for everything. Your friends and family will be there to root you on, but have no idea what you're actually doing.

It's a journey that I'm not so sure I'd recommend to everyone; it does take a certain type of personality type for it to all work.

Stay hungry,


People are on constant auto-pilot. Traditional success these days means going to school for 20 years, graduating from high school, college, and graduate school with a fresh MBA in hand. Those degrees grant you a shitty 9-5 job with an $80K salary surrounded by people you don't even know, doing things to impress people you don't know at all. Then, you may get married and work for the rest of your life to pay the debts of your childhood. They live without purpose.

Purpose is all that matters, because at the end of the day, all you have is yourself. If you're constantly lying to yourself to impress others, tons of regret is going to start building up.

This fact that people are constantly on auto-pilot is something that bothers me very much. It's because society has imposed great demands upon itself to create bullshit and make everything seem OK, when they're really forgetting to cover their ass.

Here in Silicon Valley, it's astounding that we're constantly trying to innovate, when in all honesty, we've haven't gotten the greatest inkling of what to do with the problems right in front of us. Things that really matter - people starving on the streets everywhere, for instance.

People just don't seem aware of their existence and the greater purpose of their lives. Many lack authenticity. They're busy constantly. Blowing off things that really matter - family, close friends, their health. They're just in this rat race to make more money, dealing with more bullshit, just to impress the people around them that they don't even know.

At the end of the day, many seem content with just watching TV and drinking beer. Calling it a day. Going to Costco and Target on weekends. Not really taking their time to see the sky, or watch the stars at night. Not enjoying a good meal over weekends. Things that are normal.

This is ultimately why a city like SF appeals to me so much as opposed to Silicon Valley. People seem more normal, and at the same time paradoxically weird. They're weird, because they're just doing normal people things - drinking coffee at cafes, walking their dogs down Hayes Valley, chatting with friends over mimosas during brunch, chilling at Mission Dolores, watching the boats at the Marina, or eating at a classy restaurant. Living life.

I'm unabashedly a work in progress myself. I know my purpose and am working on myself every day. I'm always looking to improve my health through lifting and running, and constantly curious on how to improve my relationships. I'm also strongly in tune with my moral compass and know that it'd be wrong to follow the path that society dictates, though it has not been an easy path to follow at all. Today, I identify as a food photographer and entrepreneur. My dream is to help restaurants around SF and around the world. Through a variety of services stacked upon each other, we focus on helping different aspects of restaurant business, as well as those who are chefs or really enjoy eating. Ultimately, I want to be able to run a small company remotely, from where ever in the world I am.

That said, my plan of action for Dish Crawl Co includes expanding the food photography workshops to other cities on the west cost of the US first. These workshops have been focused on building a larger presence for restaurants, as well as helping eaters better their food photography to attract more clients. I am first owning the process of food photography workshops and food photography in SF. After, we will expand to a city such as LA or Seattle. My hope is that once we've taught someone food photography and how to build your brand, they will be able do food photography under us with many restaurants through the different cities.

Currently, I'm building out the different resources, such as ebooks, guides, and videos. Once these are all in place, eaters learn a lot from our free content as well as paid content, if they do choose to buy them. There will also be ebooks, guides, and videos for restauranteurs to study to help them boost their customer base. At the workshops, we will have these guides available for eaters to read. We are also opening the private coaching for eaters, currently starting at $270 per 2 hours - the price will increase.

This is why I've been working so hard at my food photography and Dish Crawl Co. I don't want to be another cog in the machine that deals with shit every day. It scares me to see and hear about it, and it's also extremely motivating to see a few others join me on this journey of making it every day.

This is my purpose - now what's yours?


Check us out at Dish Crawl Co!